apparently i'm a pc vegetarian
Ever since i decided to not eat meat, the question has always been why? Is it the taste? Is it the thought of killing poor innocent animals? and yes, even the question "Are you gay???" Well for all the narrow-minded, sometimes homophobic people, this article is dedicated to you! I have never forced this idea upon anyone, but if you ask me i can give reason after reason for choosing not to eat meat. In the hope that i can save some of you from any further questions, i have compiled some facts to help you understand a little bit better why i dont eat animals!!!
Next time a new burger joint opens up, think about this:
number one, they kill cows; number two, the cows they kill graze on the sites of murdered forests; number three, the cows they kill that killed the forest are full of hormones; number four, the hormone-filled cows they kill that killed the forest are full of bad-for-you-heart fat; number five, the bad-for-you-heart-hormone- filled-forest-killing-dead-cows are wrapped up in bad-for-the-earth-plastic...
IS IT WORTH IT? Here are some more disturbing facts:
Livestock consumes 70% of U.S. grain production. 20 million people die each year as a result of starvation and malnutrition
One acre of land can produce many pounds of edible product. For example:
30,000 pounds of apples
40,000 pounds of potatoes
50,000 pounds of tomatoes
250 pounds of beef
Livestock-cattle, poultry, goats, sheep totaling 15 billion worldwide, now outnumber peole three to one. Live-stock graze half of the world's land mass. Explosibe livestock populations have made a parallel explosion in animal wastes that pollute surface and ground water. U.S. licestock produces 230,000 pounds of excrement per second. The amount of waste produced by a ten-thousand head feed lot is equal to the waste of a city with 110,000 people!
World livestock production is now a significant factor on the emmision of to or four global warming gasses: carbon dioxide and methane. Every steak we eat has the same effect as a 25-mile drive in a typical car.
Each year, in Central America, cattle ranching permanently destroys 125,000 square miles of rain forest, resulting in the extinction of 1,000 plant and animal species.
Producing one pound of feedloy steak results in the loss of 35 pounds of topsoil. It takes 200 to 1,000 years to form one inch of topsoil.
It takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce 1 edible pound of beff. It takes 49 gallons of water to produce 1 edible pound of apples!
80 percent of the meat produced in the United States contains drugs that are passed on to you when you eat.
Animal products contain large quantities of saturated fat, cholesterol, and have no dietary fiber. The U.S. surgeon general has stated that 68% of all diseases are diet related. A diet rich in fruit, veggies, and grains (and free from animal products) can prevent, improve, and sometimes cure breast cnacer, osteoperosis, prostats cancer, impotence, and obesity.
75% of federal poultry inspectors say they would not eat any chicken.
If there are still more questions, step right up or drop me a line..and thanx for reading this too!