What are your names, ages, and what do you play?
Eric- 22, bass
Geno- 23, Guitar, vocals
Clint- 21, Drums
How long has Summerjack been together?
Summerjack was formed in 1995. The current lineup has been together for
nearly two years.
Has there been any lineup changes?
Yes...our original drummer played a prank on Eric one time by putting his
arm in warm water while he was sleeping. So, Geno played a prank on our
old drummer by ditching him in some town on tour, while he was sleeping.
We just drove off and left him, and then hired our roadie, Clint, as our new
drummer. Boy that was a funny prank... a real hoot!
Have you always had the name Summerjack or have you changed it?
AC/DC, but that was already taken!
What are your main influences?
Hyperactivity, alcohol, and each other.
How do you describe your music?
All American Punk Rock!
Has your style changed from before and do u wish to change it at all?
No, but we keep getting better. Our songs have become a little more
elaborate though. If our style changes it will happen naturally. I have no
desire to change!
What are your 5 favorite albums?
We pretty much listen to those "self help" personal testomony tapes, or
those tapes with subliminal messages about self-esteem covered by sounds
of the ocean.
How do u rate your live performance?
Three thumbs up! If you dont know where to find that third thumb, dont
bother asking.
Where did the name Summerjack come from?
Summerjack came from the idea of a hostile takeover of the season of
summer. (i.e. Hijacking, skyjacking, etc.)
How would you describe the "scene" in Boise?
Well, there are a lot of "farm-aid" type cocerts and we like to go cow
tipping, and to barn raisings, and we like to got to potato feeds. Eric lives
on a farm so there is plenty of good fun with animals and such. Just
kidding, Boise is a regular mid-size metropolitan area, and there really is a
lack of good all-ages venues, but somehow we survive. I guess that is
why we love touring so much.
Is Summerjack your job or do you have other jobs?
Eric is currently a full time student and will graduate in May with a
bachelor's degree in civil engineering. He will some day drive a train. Geno
is also a full time student who will graduate with a bachelor's degree in
communication with an additional degree in art. So, he will be qualified to
talk about art! Clint just finished some break-through DNA research and
has been published in many acedemic journals and is currently up for a
nobel prize, other than thet he pretty much just drums, and totally rules.
Tell us a bit about your 2 albums that Summerjack have put out?
The first album cost us two cases of cheap beer. A friend of ours recorded
it and it constists of 8 songs. The new tape was done this winter, it was
cold. We did it in a studio in Boise. We put on a lot of weight and trained
really hard for this album. We had a rigorous daily workout of running,
weightlifting, and occasional mud-wrestling, coupled with a strict diet of all
meat, no water.
Have you toured previously and are you planning on touring again?
We have repeated touring the western U.S and are currently booking some
tours scheduled for May and possibly August. We love touring and
playing live.
What are some of the big names that Summerjack has played with?
The Murder City Devils is the biggest name...(19 letters)!!!!!
Gob is definitely the smallest...(3 letters)!!!
What were you guys like in high school?
Clint worked at a punk club, played in bands, once he was punched in the
face by a hot dog vendor. Geno was a varsity baseball player, liked fighting,
liked drinking, and coincidentally was costantly running from the police.
Eric was a band geek at school. Eric was also etting into the punk scene that
existed in Boise back then. Eric could usually be found in the dumpster of
the local post office digging for new dirty magazines.
Tell me about your worst ever show?
We have had a couple of shows that were cancelled due to the fact that
nobody was there. But the worst show we ever actually played had to be in
Salt Lake City, Utah, with Gob. Geno stepped on the chord of his amplifier
and unplugged it in the first minute of the first song. It all went downhill
from there. Worst part is-we have it all on video tape. HOLD ON...............
(Geno interjects), Seattle was the worst...also on video tape...a slod out
show, one microphone, a drunken brawl, 8 cop cars, and some guy stole
Geno's shirt and was hauled off by the police while wearing it!!
Have you ever considered making a techno song on your computer?
Sometimes I consider Making conterfeit money on the computer and
making millions.
Do you consider yourself to be a one hit wonder kind of band?
No way... We are more like a two or three hit wonder band.
What are your favorite movies?
All of Tarantino's stuff: Pulp Fiction, True Romance... I like Hithcock quite
a bit too: Rope, Physcho... I think Eric likes that one movie where that girl
takes her clothes off...or something like that... Geno reallly likes "Better Off
Dead", from the 80's starring John Cusack, just because of that one scene
the little hamburger dude in the fast food joint plays guitar and sings a Van
Halen Song. Clint has "Fryday" memorized.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Somewhere in California getting ready for our massive 2008 summer tour.
Or in the dumpster of the of the local post ofice, digging for new dirty
Finally, rumour hs it that many bands take pornography on the road to pass
time! What is your take on this?
Funny you mention it, we actually produce, direct, write, and film Clint
starring in pornographic movies while we are on tour.
You can contact Summerjack at: P.O. Box 4916
Boise, Idaho
83711, U.S.A.
or visit there website at: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Club/5794
Summerjack Pictures and Logo © Summerjack (used with permission)
Summerjack Interview © 1998 Green Pea Soup