Green Pea Soup Articles
[Written By Jeff GreenPea]

ode to the pigs

Just recently I held a show in my basement for Chore, The Priapismics, and Generic. If you don't already know, I have basement shows very regularly for touring bands that need some help. Well anyway, at the end of the show (9:15) I had a nice little visit from about 5 police officers. Why they needed to bring 5 coppers to a noise complaint, I don't really understand!!! The bastard-ass police officer was very rude to me and my temper started to rise. Which in turn started pissing me off even more. Sure cops had been to my house before, but they were totally understanding and nice, but this dink was just a power hungry egocentric! The officers that had visited me before this time had informed me that someone had complained about the noise. They understand that bands needed a place to play, but in the case that somebody complained, then they had to pay the noisy house a visit. If the noise persisted they would have to give me a fine. They just told me to turn down the music and keep it less noisy and they were on their way!! Now this "All Powerful" pig told me that I was lucky he didn't fine me!!! I told him that bands needed a place to play and he thought that bands had no place in a residential area! I wanted to know why it was ok for the city to start jack hammering the roads at 6:30am but a band at 9:15pm was out of the question. He kept replying that bands were not the "norm". It really pissed me off when I explained what the other cops had told me beforehand, and his story was a total contradiction to what they said. He believed that a cop would never tell me that and he could even show me tha by-law in his dumb-ass pig handbook!!! By that time I was walkingaway and ignoring them, when he told me what the fine was for a noise complaint! It is $250 for the first time, and then $500, $1000 and so on. Well I'm sorry to say that shows at Green Pea are history. I can barely afford to pay bands enough for gas when they come here, so I can definitely not afford to pay a fine of that extent. I was getting really discouraged anyway because of the lack of attendance at shows recently, but I'll save that issue for later! Well I have nothing more to say about that, except to maybe chalk up another one for our nice friends, THE PIGS!!! oi oi to you mother fuckers!!!