Green Pea Soup Reviews

How Far Shallow Takes Us Gob-How Far Shallow Takes Us-CD
I think this CD is going to make a lot of new fans for Gob, but probably even push away others. If you like older Gob stuff, then listen to this CD before you buy it. Personally, I think this CD kicks the crap out of their older stuff. There is a very hardcore edge to the new material. Not so happy, humorous anymore(which I think is good). A very good opening to the disc with "236 E. Broadway", plus tonnes of catchy, semi hardcore, punk rock. The only thing I really miss is the abscense of longtime Gob drummer, Wolfman Pat.
Fearless Records-13772 Goldenwest St. #545
Westminister CA 92683, USA
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
Slowly Going The Way Of The Buffalo MXPX-Slowly Going The Way Of The Buffalo-CD
Well for a mjor label punk band, this CD still kinda holds on to the punk rock feel that MXPX has lead over the years. But the CD is a little to slow for my likings. Catchy, I give it that, but I guess I can't really expect the warp speed punk on a major label. Track 2 is by far my favorite. It's not too fast but makes me feel the warmest inside. So get your copy today through Columbia House.
A&M Records
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
Your Are Freaking Me Out Samiam-Your Are Freaking Me Out-CD
I normally wouldn't buy slower punk music, but this CD is very slow, but is now one of my favorite CDs. Every song keeps you listening until the end, and then ya need more. Rock Solid production on this one. Very guitar driven, with extremely melodic vocals, topped off with very solid drumming. Track 4, Ordinary Life, is by far my favorite on this CD. So take my word on this one. It's a good break from fast, heavy punk rock, but it retains enough power to make this CD excellent.
Ignition Records
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
Insider Ten Foot Pole-Insider-CD
The CD opener "The Getaway" still blows me away, although the rest of the CD is just kind of there. I'm not saying it sucks, but track 1 just excels over everything else. The production of this CD is rock solid, once again. The lyrics have taken a slight change from "Unleashed" with songs like "Officer I Swear She's 19". I like them alot better without Scoot Radinsky, but a lot of people seem to disagree. I think if you liked Ten Foot Pole before, you will like this CD too. So go get it from the candy store.
Epitaph Records-2798 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA, 90026
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
Five Years On The Streets V/A-Five Years On The Streets-CD
I bought this CD for the sole reason to hear the No Motiv songs and after hearing the entire CD, I still pretty much only listen to No Motiv. They stand out by far the most, along with a cool ska punk band called The Hippos (and that's pretty good because I hate most ska). There is a live Face To Face song which is cool, but that's about it. Lot's of covers, most of them are shitty, except "Goodie Two Shoes" by Unwritten Law. All around this is a decent comp. It's better than most punk compilations coming out lately. And No Motiv is on it!
Vagrant Records-2118 Wilshire Blvd. #361
Santa Monica, CA, 90403, USA
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]