[Interview By Jeff GreenPea]
Kid With Man Head
KWMH [GPS] Let's start off with who are the masked men that form Kid With Man Head?
[CG] I'm Chris and I play guitar
[GE] i am gay elvis and i play the bass guitar
[MP] I'm Mike and I sing and dance. George is the drummer but he won't answer any questions because he hates everyone.

[GPS] How do you describe your style?
[CG] Punk
[GE] puke pork rock
[MP] power pop

[GPS] When KWMH formed in 1993 how was the response and has it changed at all nowadays?
[CG] WE draw less people today in our home town but more people everywhere else across the US & Canada
[GE] the response has gone from a firey luke warm to a simmer that just won't quit.
[MP] I think people take us a little more seriously because we rock so fucking hard now. Or maybe because we don't wear bikinis made out of friut anymore.

[GPS] What can people look forward to when the come see Kid With Man Head?
[CG] Freaks
[GE] Pitch Forks
[MP] An entertaining mix of audio and visual stimuli. Rated R (sometimes NC 17).

Mike [GPS]Obviously a wacky, crazy stage show is key to Kid With Man Head performance. Why do you choose to put on a wild stage show?
[CG] For entertainment purposes. But mostly to mask the fact that we stink.
[GE] i don't know, why do you put on such a wacky stage show?
[MP] We don't always put on a wacky stage show, just sometimes. Our day to day personalities are basically wacky. Whenever we have someone's attention it's always been natural for us to try and make you laugh or shock you. You came to the show to have a good time, so did we...that's how we have a good time.

[GPS]How do you make up for the lack of the crazy on-stage antics on your recordings?
[CG] I've never been able to figure that out. If you never saw us perform live and you listened to our songs, you'd probably wouldn't guess we were wacky in a live setting.
[GE] in the studio we all were clown masks and zany wigs
[MP] Make up for it? I don't really know what you mean. We record songs in the studio. Songs we really like, songs we think other people will like listening to. Some songs have a touch of humor some don't. We have a lot of fun in the studio but we aren't making up for anything. One time our old bassist squirted Cheese Wiz up his ass in the studio. We tried to record the sound of it coming out, but it wasn't loud enough.

[GPS] Now for all the people wondering, where did the name Kid With Man Head come from?( sorry had to ask that one)
[MP] I had a reoccuring nightmare as a child about how every time you heard the ice cream truck bells ringing, all of the kids would run and hide because the guys that drove the truck would come looking for you and if they found you they would cut your thumbs off and make keychains out of them. The guys that drove the truck had kid bodies with huge man sized heads. I could never find a place to hide and I would wake up in a hyperventilating and sweating. I stopped having the dream when I was like 12. Then about 6 years later a friend of ours in High School had this baby with a huge head. The night after seeing the baby, I had the dream again. It was obvious to me that this was the incarnation of the kid with the man head soon to be on super market tabliods across the country. You can run you can hide but you can't escape Kid With Man Head. I'm still nervous when that kid is around.

Gay Elvis [GPS] Is Gay Elvis gay as in homosexual, or is he just extremely happy? (sorry had to ask that one too)
[CG] Not now, he has a girlfriend these days.
[GE] Unfortunately, i'm more of a queer now.
[MP] No he's not gay, but he really is Elvis.

[GPS] Now Kid With Man Head has opened for such national acts as The Offspring, Pennywise, Jawbox, Doughboys, All, and countless numbers of others...Who was your all time favorite band to play with and why?
[CG] I would say Blink 182 at the Stone Pony, it was a fun show and we sold tons of merchandise.And Big Drill Car way back when, just cause I love them.
[GE] no copies left and the rip cordz. they be my favorite
[MP] The night we played with the Offspring in some hockey arena in Canada was my favorite. I got to see what it was like play in front of 5000 people on a big stage. We went out and partied like rock stars that night because we were rock stars that night. Woke up the next day and I was a loser again.

[GPS] It must be discouraging, after opening for such giant bands, to play a show to 20 kids or so. How does KWMH overcome that?
[CG] We've played handfulls of shows with 500 - 2,500 people and we've played hundreds of shows with 50. If we're having fun playing thats all that counts.
[GE] besides, it's much more discouragingh to play a show in front of 5 people
[MP] It's a rollercoaster. We've been donig this long enough to realize you get the big nights and the no-one-there-but-the-bartender-nights. You just roll with it. Some of our best shows were in small, intimate places with a handful of people, everyone of them will leave with a memory of it that they'll take with them forever. Can't beat that.

[GPS] Give us a KWMH discography to date???
[CG] goto our website ( and click on the discography page!

[GPS] Is Kid With Man Head looking in to changing labels or are you guys sticking with Onefoot?
[CG] Yes.
[GE] With out a doubt.

[GPS] So what's the story behind getting signed to Onefoot?
[CG] They gave us $50,000
[GE] Yeah right, more like $1.50
[MP] They liked us. They signed us. They have been very good to us.

Chris With Man Head [GPS] How did you guys hook up that sexy cover model on "Flapjack Hairpiece"?
[CG] Thats Herman, Mike's grandpa!
[GE] He did the shoot for a couple smelt, no big deal at all. just roll him down the hall, any pose you want. dig it.
[MP] I shot the picture in my grandparent's basement. Herm is the greatest entertainer I've ever met. I had to work him into the act.

[GPS] What's the weirdest rumor you have ever heard about your own band?
[CG] That when we're on tour we go from town to town beating people senseless.
[GE] that we roll from town to town getting beat senseless...wait, that one's true.
[MP] That we gang bang a big piece of Swiss cheese on stage.

[GPS] Do you notice a difference in the punk scene from when you formed to now?
[CG] No
[GE] yes, no one wears hats that much anymore
[MP] No one knows what punk is although everyone thinks they do. In one town you'll find kids thinking one thing is punk go 20 miles away and see a completely different idea. Who knows? Who fucking cares. Anytime someone trys to tell me how punk they are or who's punk and who's not I want to hit them in the teeth with something heavy.

[GPS] Kid With Man Head has completed 3 successful US/Canadian tours. What do you enjoy most about touring?
[CG] Gettting laid!
[GE] New drugs!
[MP] The characters you meet. It reminds you that there are people who are even bigger freaks than we are all over the world.

[GPS] ...enjoy least about touing?
[CG] Having to talk to everyone else in the band
[GE] getting all strung out when i can't score no smack!
[MP] Being stuck in a rolling cube for up to 18 hours a day with GE's gastro- intestinal problem. The most excruciating smells permiate from that cat. It makes me gag sometimes.

[GPS] Do you notice a difference in the punk scene in the USA and the scene in Canada???
[CG] Kids are more likely to go to shows in canada because there are fewer bands traveling through.
[GE] those kids love hats. they don't mind wearing em at the shows or wherever.
[MP] The kids in Canada seem to be more enthusiastic and are more apt to have a cause that they strongly believe in and stand behind.

Curious George [GPS] What's the craziest thing that has ever happened to KWMH???
[GE] that time this guy had a hand up georges trousers for the whole set. he just kind of kept his hand up there and sometimes he would move it to his knee or thigh or what ever.
[MP] Too many too list. One time we were playing with dead fish strapped to our bodies and around our necks and the fish started bleeding really bad from us jumping around. The blood was running down my stomach and this girl in the front row puked on everyone's shoes. People in the pit started slipping on the puke and falling in it. Another time I was wrapped up in christmas lights and halfway through the show I got an electric shock that was so bad it knocked me off of my feet. I got up in the middle of the song all dizzy, didn't know where I was or why all of these people were pointing at melaughing.

[GPS] So what's in store for Kid With Man Head?
[CG] Nothing
[GE] yep
[MP] You can usually find our latest CD "Flapjack Hairpiece" in the store. Depends on which store you go to.

[GPS] Any last comments?
[CG] You suck (Thanks Buddy)
[GE] Sometimes i like to wear an under shirt, other times i do not.
[MP] Wearing sliced pineapple rings as penis jewlery is both fun and stylish.

Contact Info?
kid with man head
po box 8783
red bank, nj
07701 usa

Kid With Man Head Pictures © 1998 Kid With Man Head (used with permission)
Kid With Man Head Interview © 1999 Green Pea Soup