[Interview By Jeff GreenPea]
Gameface Who are the members of Gameface?
Jeff - guitar, vocals
Paul - bass
Todd - guitar
Steve - drums

Where does Gameface hail from?
We're all from different cities in Orange County, CA. Actually I live in L.A. county now. We're from all over but close together. Our practice space and mailbox is in the city of Orange so I guess you can say that's our "home".

So what's been happening with the band lately?
We've just waiting for this damn record to come out. It took a while to record because of the label change and me getting used to playing guitar with the band. We've been doing a few shows, mostly playing the new songs.

Give us the Gameface discography to date?
"O.C. Power Pop" 7" Nemesis, 1991
"Beach Chair" 7" Network Sound, 1992
"Good" lp/cass/cd Network Sound, 1993
"A Day in June" 7"/cd Doctor Strange, 1995
"Three To Get Ready" lp/cass/cd Doctor Strange, 1995
"Cupcakes" 7"/cd Doctor Strange, 1997
"Reminder" (a collection of early material 90-92) cd Doctor Strange, 1998
"Every Last Time" lp/cd Revelation, 1999 Gameface

How did the Gameface tour to the Northeast go?
It was great. It went really smooth. We've always wanted to play the CMJ and this year was the first time we had the opportunity to play it. Unfortunately, the Revelation Records showcase was a total metal fest. We were a bit out of place on that bill, but I still think we did alright. All of the other shows were really great. I love playing out there.

So the new album is coming out on Revelation Records...Is Gameface on Revelation now, or what's the deal?
That's the deal. It's called "Every Last Time" and it comes out on March 23rd.

Gameface Is being on a big label what Gameface thought it would be like or not?
We don't really consider Revelation that much bigger. The only difference so far has been paperwork. I'd like to think that being on Revelation will get us bigger. I guess we'll see what happens.

So who are some of your main influences?
Some of my influences for songwriting are guys like Elvis Costello and Michael Stipe. I don't know if that comes through in our music. When I first got into punk music my favorites were Kevin Seconds and Milo Aukerman. They kind of MADE me want to be a singer in a band.

Gameface Do you notice a difference between the scenes in different states?
There's a huge difference for us. I think it's easily explained by the "supply and demand" theory. It seems the further away we are from home, the more people come to see us play. We come from a hotbed of overrated bands and overnight sensations. It's hard to keep people's interest in Orange County. There's so much going on at one time. There's about a million bands. It's easy to fall back into the shadows when you're not paying attention. It seems when we go out on tour we find who are friends really are. People come out to the shows because they only get to see us once or twice a year. It's more fun to play in a scene that you're not totally disgusted with.

Have you noticed a change in the punk scene since Gameface formed to now?
We've seen it all. We've been around since 1991. I think it would take an hour to completely answer that question.

Gameface What is Gameface's most memorable show memory?
We played a great show in Philadelphia with Lifetime and Texas Is The Reason (and The Promise Ring but they didn't make it due to van trouble). One of the best show memories happened during the song "Only Chance We Get". Those who know the history of the band will better understand the magnitude of that song. Now I'm not usually one to hand the mic out or encourage sing-a-longs ...anyway, during the middle section of the song where the music gets real soft, I begin to sing about our original drummer, Bob, who had killed himself only a couple summers before and the mic drops from the stand but I hear about 500 kids singing some of the most important lyrics I've ever written. And I just stood there smiling like I'm saying "thanks for understanding". That was really heavy

....most horrible show memory?
We've made some poor choices in our career. One of those choices was to play with the band Guttermouth. This has nothing to do with them as a band, but it has everything to do with their crowd. We were having a horrible night trying to play our style of soft-core-emo-postpunk to these people. Whatever you want to call it, most of these people just wanted to throw shit at us. And they did all night. What made things worse was the uncomfortable silence that occurs between songs, or in this specific case, while repairing broken guitar strings. We had to stand up there taking shit from these animals while Todd changed strings (twice during the set) because none of the other bands offered to let him borrow a guitar. Well, the night goes on and ends in a shouting match that alsmost turned into a boxing match if it weren't for a few bouncer types keeping the peace. And that's all I want to say about that.

Gameface Who are some of the bigger bands that Gameface has played with?
Before they were big: No Doubt, The Offspring, Green Day....the list goes on (please don't make me do this).

What does Gameface enjoy most about touring?
I love the whole touring experience. The road trip thing. Seeing the world. Playing for people who don't get to see you everyday. Making friends. The only thing I don't like is being away home home for so long. I have a wonderful wife now who I miss while we're out rocking.

So what's going to be happening in the world of Gameface in the near future?
We're getting ready for our record to come out (finally). This is a big record for us. We all really feel strongly about it. I hope people recieve it with open arms. It's a little different for us but I think it's just because we've grown so much in the past few years. I feel like we're just about the band that I always wanted to be.

Gameface How can people get a hold of Gameface?
Via Mail:
1070 N. batavia #336
Orange, CA 92867

Via Electronic Mail:


Gameface Pictures © 1998 Gameface (used with permission)
Gameface Interview © 1999 Green Pea Soup