[GPS] Who forms Closet Monster and what does each member do?
[LONDON] Closet Monster is made firstly made of Kyle on the drums, a talented
chap with a lot of heart.
Then comes Jesse on the guitar and vocals, who is the young'in but makes
up for his age with love.
Third comes Rudy on the lead guitar and backups, a talented chap who now
spends most of his time slavin away for minimum wage. And lastly there
is London on the bass and vocals, as well as sleeping and masterbation.
[GPS] Your first 2 albums were released on your own label "UMO Records". Is it
important for Closet Monster to keep everything D.I.Y, and why?
[LONDON] We do not think that it is "important" to preserve our DIY fashion
but more so a necessity. We have a passion for what we do and if no one
is willing to help us well then we are not going to quit, we are just
going to persevere and fight. Being in a band is tough and it is nearly
impossible to get a free hand out so we are not about to sit in our
basement and wait for one. We are just gunna do it ourselves cause that
way we know that it is getting done.
[KYLE] It is to us because we want things done right, and we don't want any
other issues being raised yet. From the start we've done everything
ourselves, and it's made us happy.
[GPS] Is there any reason why you released cassettes over CD or vinyl?
[LONDON] Basically it accommodated our small budget, and it accommodates all of
our listeners. It is very tough to name somebody who does not have
access to a tape player of some kind.
[KYLE] Small, compact, a CD or record would be wasted on 5 song demos.
[GPS] So, Closet Monster has completed 2 successful Canadian tours. How was the
response to the band when you finally broke free from good ol' Ajax???
[LONDON] We met a lot of great people and played a lot of great shows receiving
good responses all over. We played our fair share of empty bars as well
as a good number of all ages shows. As long as there was an audience
(anywhere from 1-300) we had the time of our lives.
[KYLE] I was surprised. Our shows out of town before the tours went well, but
you never know until you get out there. Lots of places (including the
Hat) had very commendable scenes, with at least some kids really active
and supportive, with the zines and the bands, and the comaraderie.
[GPS] What's the funniest story from your 2 Canadian tours?
[LONDON] Well let me see... there was Jesse and our comrades The Implants being
banned from the states for a week and Kyle and I being stuck in Butfuck
Washington not knowing what was going on.... there was when we were
stranded in Kamloops because the promoter shafted us and we had to sleep
at a baseball dimond.... an unnecessary 14 hour straight drive from
Regina to Trail B.C. after the van had broken down, and we had to spend
a night in the parking lot of Canadian Tire (who ripped us off). When
we arrived in Trail, very delirious and "road crazy", we had to step
right on stage and play. Great show though.... uhhhhh... the curse of
the dreaded "un-named ghost" who caused a car crash, the van to break
down, the loss of two sets of keys, the loss of tons o' money, the
explosion of The Implants Radiator, the cancellation of tons of shows
and much more... Kyle's first glimpse of the Rockie mountains. His
mouth was touching the floor... The royal Albert crazies in Winnipeg
keeping us up all night in our hotel room ranting and raving about
MURDER!!! I dunno you chose one.
[KYLE] Hmmm, there was when Rudy sat on a cactus in Saskatchewan, the time I
threw up on a 7-11 in Saskatoon, Dave dancing to entertain us in
Medicine Hat, sneaking onto the waterslides in Medicine Hat, there's
just too many to name a funniest. But I think that "BASEketball" at the
Trail BC drive in was pretty funny.
[GPS] Now Closet Monster has devised their own political system called "Uniqualism"!
Explain what uniqualism is and why Closet Monster supports it?
[LONDON] First off I guess that maybe we had given the wrong idea about
Uniqualism because it is more of a way of life then a political system.
We want to live our lives treating everyone we love,equality and
embracing them with unity. It is comparable to life-style anarchism but
does not involve any governments just the people around us. We support
it because there is a lot of evil in this world and we think to
disassociate ourselves with such superfluous negativity will result in a
better existence for not only ourselves but everyone on the planet. We
just want everyone to be treated the same, and given an equal chance for
a "good" life. Uniqualism lies on the exact opposite plain as everything
that is evil. It is not just for us and we do not proclaim ourselves
uniqualists, we just live the best we can.
[KYLE] Firstly, it's not a political system. It may sound like one, but that's
prob'ly just the "ism" part. Uniqualism is a way of living. It means you
respect each and everyone (now, no one respects assholes and nazis, so,
much as I hate too say it, they don't count. But hey, people change. Be
optimistic) It's really hard to explain why the idea hit us like it did,
people live the way they want to, and that was for us. Lifestyle
anarchism is a bitch in this society, so if this makes it easier in the
days leading to the revolution, then we've done our job.
[GPS] Obviously politics play a big part in your band! Why do you choose to
include political content in your lyrics? Do you feel it is important
for bands to bring forth ideals that kids may otherwise not be subjected to,
and why?
[LONDON] We believe that punk rock is not just about the music. It is about
creating an alternative, through education and unity, to the world that
we live in (a.k.a. "the scene"). People are not taught or exposed to
left wing ideas in school, it is almost a taboo and is not touched with
a ten foot pole by nearly all educational facilities. The "left wing"
has a lot of great positives to it's ideologies and involves many ideas
which oppose conventional thinking and could reform the world for the
better of humanity therefore everybody is hidden from these ideas. We
think that everyone should have the opportunity to experience true
freedom and think for themselves, left-wing politics allow people to do
that because it allows them to see the other side of life and politics.
We just want to help in allowing people to start to consider other
politics, opinions, and views on life which we believe could benefit
society as a whole and on an individual basis.
[KYLE] Political lyrics are very important to us, and since we're musicians
anyway, it gives us the medium to express what we believe. I mean, when
we started playing in bands, we weren't singing about political issues,
but when we learned more and developed more (coincidentally from the
music we liked) we evolved to that. Bands who feel strongly about
political issues should sing about it, it helps get the word out it
really does. Where would I be if not for Propagandhi and Operation Ivy?
But I do like other bands who aren't overtly political. You sing about
what you feel strongly about, that's where the best music comes from.
That's why I love it so much.
[GPS] So has the scene changed at all from when Closet Monster formed and in which
ways has it changed?
[KYLE] A lot of bands are taking initiative now, which I guess you could say
attribute to our success with what we and some preceding bands did. We
lay it out on the line, open to criticism and anything else that is
[GPS] Who were some of your favorite bands that you have played with on tour?
[LONDON] There were quite a few... Smack Attack, One Shot Left, The Implants,
Melmack Attack, The Francophobes, Jesse and the Prostitutes, Guilt Trip,
Removal, D.B.S, F.Y.P, The FREAKIN Everymen!, and Out Of Hand. I know
that there are more so I am sorry to our other favs that I left out...
you know who you are. The Suicide Machines were pretty good too (not
really my type of music though)
[KYLE] I liked the Implants from Trail, Low Belly in Red Deer, playing with
our scene mates from here, Out of Hand, in Calgary was a blast, I
really like One Shot Left (not to ass kiss, you can ask the other guys
how much I played the tape) and I was really impressed by the
Francophobes and Choke. And Melmac Attack from Trail.
[GPS] Who are some of Closet Monster's favorite bands in general?
[LONDON] Green Day, Marylin's Vitamins, NoFx, The Stiffs, Propagandhi, T.O.E,
Beastie Boys,and Debbie Gibson.
[KYLE] The Mighty Propagandhi, NOFX, Green Day, TOE (from our area), the
Stiffs (from our area)
[GPS] Did Closet Monster think touring would be different before you headed
out, and what advice can you give to bands planning on touring for the
first time?
[LONDON] We thought that it would be a lot worse, i mean it was pretty hellish
but we were expecting extreme hell. We hear that we got off pretty lucky
but it was still tough. As far as advice would go well be prepared for
1.Hunger 2.Sleep deprivation 3.Not shitting or showering for days 3. To
kill for a can of peaches 4.Stench 5.No clean underwear 6.Long drives
7.The time of your life.... nothing beats "the road." It is the
greatest experience of my life and I will keep doing it until I am old and grey.
[KYLE] I just don't think you can prepare. Before our first tour show in
Thunder Bay, we were opening for a band called superGARAGE and i met up
with the singer MArco and the drummer in the can, and they were at first
like (heh heh...virgins.) But then they told me that the touring was
great and the first tour is the most fun, the scariest and best time of
your life. That's what I have to say, and they can have the credit, but
they were right.
[GPS] Did you have any ladies underwear thrown at you(excluding transvestites)?
[LONDON] Well not really, I as well as you realize Kyle's striking resemblance to
Tom Jones but I guess nobody else does. We did however have many
gingersnap cookies tossed at us, mmmmmmm I love them cookies.
[KYLE] Only a fat, drunk, bearded old man's sweaty bach volleyball t-shirt.
London put it on his head. we have a cute picture of it.
[GPS] Now I've never been to Ajax before, so is the punk scene decent there? Is
there other rad bands or does Closet Monster just hold the monopoly?
[LONDON] It is amazing. I dislike Ajax as a city quite a bit but the punk
scene is amazing! The people are great. The Chameleon Cafe is awesome.
The local bands are spectacular. i love it. It is our home and always
will be. If by "monopoly" you mean the draw well we have very supportive fans
and friends but there are other rad bands too. Local Status, and Cid's
Lance come to mind. AWOL (Jesse's old band) also come to mind. It is a
relatively small scene as far as bands go but there are tons in the
works (Spit Blu, T.H.C., and more)
[KYLE] The Ajax "punk" scene is thriving, but in a wierd way. It's like
Medicine hats in that there aren't many mohawks or crazy leather jackets
(that's what I saw there anyway, sorry if I'm wrong) and it's not too
dogmatic. The kids normally have a good time, no fights, good shows.
good bands like TOE, the Stiffs, Raw Energy bands, and some Ajax locals
of note are Local Status, and Cid's Lance.
[GPS] So on your first tour Rudy played guitar and on the second tour, Jesse played
guitar!!! So lets put an end to all the rumors and answer the age old
question....WHAT HAPPENED TO RUDY???
[LONDON] Well I do not know if it is my jurisdiction to answer this one but
I'll give you a hint. It had to do with a bear near Thunder Bay... give
up? Well I'll tell ya. He fell in love with a sweat old bear named
Laura and eloped only to divorce four months later on claims of
audultery against poor Laura. They are now battling it out in divorce
court over the custody of their three cubs but hopefully when that is
all over Rudy will return to the band. Soon. Hopefully. We miss him
and warned him about that sweat old bear. But he refused to listen. have
you ever walked into a room and witnessed an 18 year old preforming oral
sex on a giant black bear? Neither have I, good thing too eh?
[KYLE] Eaten by bear.
[GPS] So what's in store for Closet Monster in the near future?
[LONDON] Well hopefully our long awaited CD. Also another couple of tours
between now and August and if we are lucky we would like to actually
shoot a video. But other than that probably a lot of movie tuesdays,
long practices, local Chameleon Cafe shows, Friday's of drinking, and
James Bond feascos. We like to take it easy.
[KYLE] Lotso plans, nothing is concrete. playing show and fantasizing about
our last two tours and waiting for the next ones.
[GPS] Any last comments???
[LONDON] Relate to us and we will relate to you. Peace, harmony, love, and
anarchy. You rule Jeff. You are truely amazin.
[KYLE] I am Evil Ho-mer, I am Evil Ho-mer!!
[GPS] Well thanks for doing the interview...and on a closing note...
Does Kyle still wear that "Fuckin Donuts" hat???
[LONDON] It was basically just a temporary since those crazy Montana Girls
decided to steal his other one and recently replaced by a SNFU toque.
It now has suffered the fate that most of it's novelty brother and
sister hats have faced previous to itself (i.e. Crust, Cock, Poke Me and
Die, and Tommy Pullmyfingure). It sits in a basement in some random
suburban home.....Later dude.
[KYLE] I got myself an SNFU toque from Rob Johnson himself.
Closet Monster Pictures © 1998 Closet Monster (used with permission)
Closet Monster Interview © 1999 Green Pea Soup