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[Interview By Jeff GreenPea]
Boy Kicks Girl
BKG [GPS] So let's start off with the good old, who are the members and what do they play?
[KEVIN] My name is Kevin, as if you couldn't already tell. I play guitar and sing and say spicy things up on stage like, "Hey, what the hell's the next song guys!?!?"...
[BRETT] I play the drums and do the manager stuff for the band. Not really exciting but I get a kick out of it. I am 24, single and available ladies.
[BRANDON] Bass, get beat up by Brett for not doing CD consignments, and I play and "E" so Kevin can tune his guitar.

[GPS] Where does BKG hail from?
[KEVIN] Originally from the exciting town that never sleeps, San Jose, CA. Ever hear of it?
[BRANDON] I can't remember...how about teletubby-land.

[GPS] Boy Kicks Girl started off in 1996, so was the scene different then and if so, how?
[KEVIN] Ya. A LOT more people come to see us play now, and there's many familiar faces in the crowd. We also have about an 80% girl fan-base because we're just so darn sexy. Watch out N'SYNC, you're goin' down!!! (machine gun noises)
[BRETT] Our crowd has changed since we are getting more popular. The San Jose music scene has gone though an interesting twist. We went from no or a few all age venues to a lot of all age venues to a few again. It really sucks. There are more kids getting involved with the local scene though. I think the local bands are really trying to help it out and really advertise the hell out of each show.

[GPS] Obviously a lot of people might get the wrong message with the name Boy Kicks Girl so explain what you created the name to mean?
[KEVIN] "BOY KICKS GIRL" simply means to take your foot and just totally ram it as hard as you possibly can into some poor unsuspecting girl's face, point at her as she sobs in a bloody red mess, and laugh until you run out of breath. No, it really means "kicking" the memories and all the buillshit our ex's caused in our (mostly mine!) past out of our lives, and moving on. Kinda' like "kicking" an alcohol habit... only you replace the "alcohol" with nasty, skanky bitchwads from Hell. Some people just totally blow the name way out of proportion, but they're usually just people looking for something to fight about in the first place. We really are as gentile and harmless as lambs. Baaaaah..... (machine gun noises)
[BRETT] Kevin pretty much summed it up. We are great guys, well our moms tell us that so we believe it. The name has many different meanings. It does represent the crap we took from the ex's but when I think of the name I think of a 5 year old boy and girl in the sandbox and the boy kicking her. I don't know what people are thinking when they get all uptight about our name.

[GPS] How important is keeping everything to do with your band D.I.Y.? Does that mean that even if a label offered you a deal, you would keep going D.I.Y?
[KEVIN] I wouldn't even consider a label that wanted to take over, or overlook anything related to our music writing, lyrics, artwork, or our website. As far as the financial side: Studio/recording costs, tour costs, promotion costs, CD's, etc. and also show bookings, I would like the label to help in those areas. Basically, we'll keep the talent side, and they can use their big $$$ and brown noses to promote the hell out of us.
[BRETT] DIY is important as we start off and get more popular. We really want to keep control of what we are doing and where we want to go with the band. I think even signing to a label has to have some sort of DIY ethic. I am not into a big label though I know Kevin is. It will be interesting if we ever sign to one. But basically what Kevin said is what we want from a label. We are doing better than other local bands in our area who are on local labels. It makes no sense to sign to a label if you can do better on your own.
[BRANDON] It'd be cool to get paid to be DIY.

BKG [GPS] So tell us a little bit about your CD's "...or something like that" and "Public Display of Aggression"?
[KEVIN] Our first self produced CD "or something like that" was recorded on Thanksgiving weekend of 96' at Mark's House (Brett's brothers place for all you outsiders) and also 2/9/97 in Brett's bedroom, 14 songs total. We used all our own gear, and just did it. The recording was not great, it was my first one, but it got the job done, and got our music out there... I think one of the most important things at the time. We wrote most of the songs in 3 months, which just blows most people away. We formed BKG in August of 1996, and Brett (that royal DICK!) had booked our first gig on October 2... before we even had 1 song! So, we basically got off our asses, slammed our noggens together, and really made things happen. "...or something like that" has been through 2 pressings, and is currently all sold out, again. Sorry folks! When we get some extra money, we'll re-release it. Our second and latest CD released on October 3, 1998 "Public Display of Aggression" is our pride and joy. We went to a real studio, and yes, spent lots of our own money (OK, we used credit cards...) to record this baby. "PDA" contains 14 songs, consisting of 6 re-recorded old songs from "...or something like that" and 8 completely new songs. Why re-record old songs you ask? Because I felt my original recording of the songs from our first CD didn't do justice at all... the new recording makes the songs sound so much bigger and fatter. It's literally a night and day difference in overall quality between the 2 recordings. We worked really hard on the 6 new songs, and I didn't want to rush things this time, even with Brett breathing down my neck calling me a slacker and lagger. I'm totally satisfied with our new songs, and so are our fans. We are said to have a more "mature" sound with the new songs and recording, but don't worry... we're all still very immature on the inside, I promise you that. Our CD, T-shirts, other merchandise can be either bought directly from us at our shows, or you can always go to our website at www.bkg.com and get all the info on how to order. There's pictures of everything we have to sell, and free songs to hear in RealAudio before you buy. And for you totally lazy bastards, here's our PO BOX address anyways so you can just send $12 cash or Check (*Payable to Brett Holt*) to buy our latest CD. We usually throw some other cheap *FREE* crap in there for you to enjoy also! BOY KICKS GIRL, P.O. BOX 18914, San Jose, CA 95158.

[GPS] You've said that BKG plays 8 to 10 shows per month between California and Oregon??? This seems a bit high??? between those 2 states don't people get tired of seeing BKG two times a week or more? ...or do you have that good of a live show?
[KEVIN] I don't know... those damn fans of ours are addicted or something, always following us around like crazed stalkers. What can I say, we have the best fans! The guys in the audience love thrashing around in the pits, and the girls love to stand in the front and oogle at our enormous manly bulges.
[BRETT] We say average of 8 to 10 shows so sometimes it's less and sometimes more. So far we have good crowds coming on out to the shows. I guess if we or the fans get sick of it then we'll do less or play out of town more. Until that time arrives then I say keep on playing.
[BRANDON] I jump up and down and the kids yell for more.

[GPS] Who are BKG's main influences?
[KEVIN] Mrs. Aplers my kindergarten teacher, Monty Python, Beethoven, and 80's synth-pop music baby! Anyone who says we sound like NOFX or any other new school punk bands can kiss my skinny white ass. I never listened to new school punk in my life. I listened to a lot of Sex Pistols, G.B.H., D.R.I., (OLD) Bad Religion, Descendents, and Faction throughout my Jr. High and High School years. I just play what I'd personally like to hear blaring in my car cruising at a steady 85 MPH, because most bands now-a-days, and especially radio SUCK!!! Mainly, I am my own influence, and my life experiences are my influences... not another band. Gee, now there's a concept!
[BRETT] I am influenced from anything I have listened too in my life. I have listened to Poison, Motley Crue, Pantera, Swingin' Utters, Green Day, Fugazi, Louis Armstrong, World Music, and a lot more. I am not influenced by hip hop, r&b, or rap.
[BRANDON] I learned to play bass with grunge and what not, but the man is: John Frusciante.

[GPS] What bands have BKG been compared to mostly?
[KEVIN] I've heard a few mention Descendents or Bad Religion, yet that was mainly one or two older songs they were talking about. Lately with our new CD, I've heard everything from Agent Orange to NOFX, and a slew of other bands I haven't ever listened to in my life. One review even mentioned "Swingin' Utters"... Brett listens to them, not I. Everyones bases their comparisons or reviews on what THEY personally listen to... I hate it, but it's part of being in a band I guess. If I ever see or hear the name "Everclear" mentioned in a comparison, it's definately time to stop playing.
[BRANDON] I'd like to add Dishwalla to Kevin's Everclear.

BKG [GPS] Have BKG ever toured before??? Where to, how long?
[KEVIN] We went to Texas in January of 98' for 2 weeks, and a few mini-tours here and there over the remainder of the year. The driving is boring, and the scenery is even less glamorous. It's cold, cramped, and we usually don't make enough money to pay for all the gas Brett's truck sucks up, let alone scrape together enough dollars to buy decent food (sushi!). See what we do for all you ungreatfull bastards! Next time we come to your town, you better have the courtesy of showing up by the 1000's!!! All in all, tours are actually great. There's usually something that makes them all worthwhile, even though I bitch and whine about every little thing the whole way through.

[GPS] Does BKG have any political content in their lyrics or do you strictly draw the line at songs about girls?
[KEVIN] There are a few songs with some political overtones, but not many. I'm not one for politics at all, it bores me more than a Rage Against the Machine concert. I figure if I'm going to write a political song, then there better be a few people raising a stink about it, or I'll feel like I waisted my time writing "fluff" like most bands. If it ruffles a few peoples feathers, then it's a job well done (pat-pat).
[BRETT] The political stuff really isn't BKG. We did put one song out that was pretty political and we were damned for it. Boy it was and is still interesting hearing the critiscism for that song.
[BRANDON] Political-ness isn't really what were about. It's more about having fun than getting any message out there. I respect bands like Rage that can do that effectively though. But their concerts are a "bunch of Frat boys at summer camp."

[GPS] I feel a lot of humor in BKG. Is this ongoing humor important to the overall image of BKG? And Why?
[KEVIN] Brett's got some humor you can feel in his pants... guaranteed to make you laugh once you touch it. j/k BKG was based on loads of humor and "Your Mom" jokes galore. Here's the story: A couple of guys who all got dumped by their girlfriends got together, jammed, formed a band, and wrote about how it feels to be walked on. Simple, understandable, and a part of life everyone will go through. Some songs are more serious/humorous than others, which is why you can NOT sum up BKG from listening to just 1 song (to all you fucking lazy ass CD reviewers out there, middle fingers and NOFX my ass to you!). IF you listen to our entire CD (ahem!) from beginning to end, each song has its own character, style, and mood... something totally lacking in most bands today. LETS GET SOME FUCKING DIFFERNT STYLES GOING PEOPLE! Good humor is crucially important to our image. We "shoot the shit" with our fans before and after shows, and onstage we're just total retards. Good humor is another thing most people lack today in this tight-ass politically correct world we live in.
[BRETT] Screw the politically correct world. All those poor bastards can kiss off. I think too many people get caught up in being politically correct and forget to have fun. We try to have fun in whatever we do which is why we startd this band.
[BRANDON] FUN FUN FUN!!! That's what life is about. Just don't drink too much coffee kids.

[GPS] So what kind of shananigans can people look forward to if they come to see BKG?
[KEVIN] Why, come on down to the ol' BOY KICKS GIRL show where you're in for a rootin' good time watching Brando and I doing the infamous "Cup-Smashing!" routine throughout our set. Some fans actually come to our shows prepared with an on-hand stock of assorted colored plastic/styrofoam cups for us to smash. They line up the cups for us, and we have at it, kangaroo style baby! I believe we, BKG, are the first and only band to implement the "Cup- Smashing!" routine, and while I'm not certain, there may be a reason for that. Oh, and you can see Brett too... If the stage is just at the correct height, and he's wearing shorts, you can be sure to catch a little 2-ball action going on in there. You'll have to fight your way through all the girls in the front for your chance to take a peek at the "Hot-Spot" though...
[BRETT] Hey hey Kevin. No I try to keep the balls hidden away. You may get a rare glimpse of Kevin taking the 'ol shirt off. If you kids want to see what a white, skinny boy looks like then come on down to the show. Kevin sometimes get crazy and does an Eddie Van Halen jump imitation. Those are on the good nigts. Brandon has usual is an acrobat flying all over the stage. He loves to shake his ass for the women and does it frequently while playing.
[BRANDON] I like to cut a rug once in a while...I have busted out with a breakdance routine once. And uh, kevin...you smashed one cup....it was all me for about a year till kevin started moving in.

BKG [GPS] Tell us a little bit about the scene down there right now? Who are some of the bands BKG plays with and how is the response?
[KEVIN] I'll leave this one up to Brett, his memory is better than mine.
[BRETT] The scene is alright. We lost a few all age venues and we are really scrapping by on putting all age shows together. I know as a promoter I try to bring in a lot of out of town bands to play in San Jose. We are trying to support more touring bands since it seems not a lot of people do. I think in a year or so we will have a pretty lively scene that will attract more out of town bands, especially the more popular ones who won't play our 18 and over club called the Cactus Club. That is the only club in town which is not 21 and over. Doesn't that suck? I think so. Anyways, once we get a big all age venue going then we can get in a few more big name punk/ska whatever bands. At the moment though our scene needs some help.

[GPS] So that's about all for now. Is there any last comments from BKG?
[KEVIN] GOD DAMN! How'd a freak like me end up with such a F'n HOT wife? :) DISCLAIMER: Please excuse any and all of Kevin's miscellaneous spellingmistakes.
[BRETT] Yeah what's up with Kevin? He's in a damn punk band and wants to go get married this summer. Go figure. I would like to say "Ladies I am available after the show so look me up!"
[BRANDON] "I like it raw." And everybody yell: "BLUES EXPLOSION!!"

[GPS] OK, lastly, if someone wants to get some BKG merch or write ya or whatever, how can they get ahold of you?
BKG (Merchandise Orders / Love Mail / Hate Mail / Nude Pictures)P.O. Box 18914 San Jose, CA 95158 Website: WWW.BKG.COM

Boy Kicks Girl Pictures © 1998 Boy Kicks Girl (used with permission)
Boy Kicks Girl Interview © 1999 Green Pea Soup