Green Pea Soup Reviews

K is For Catherine The Bonaduces-K is For Catherine-CD
This CD was first put out on Squirtgun Records but after trouble arose it got switched on to Endearing. Anyway, this record is a supreme addition to anyone's collection. The Bonaduces are a very melodic pop punk band and become very addictive to the listener.That's about it...all this talk makes me want to hear "K is for Catherine" again.
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
Taken For Granted Chapter 16-Taken For Granted-Vinyl
Good hardcore with a touch of political content. Very guitar driven with a definite influence of old style metal, such as Metallica. They put on a good live show and all the guys are really cool. This is a good record and totally worth the money.
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
Give 'Er Choke-Give 'er-CD
10 fast punk songs with a lot of adrenaline. The singer's voice resembles a little kid??? Choke can also be found on the Edmonton Rocks compilation which is alright. The guys in the band are really cool and just love playing. Anyway, I hope Choke keeps given 'er for a while.
Smallman Records-P.O. Box 352 Corydon Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3M 3V3 Canada
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
Good Riddance/Ignite Good Riddance / Ignite-S/T-Vinyl
I picked this record up at SNO JAM in Calgary. Good Riddance put on a super good show there. Anyway, this record has two hardcore songs from Russ and co. that kick both their CD's out of the South Saskatchewan River. I hadn't heard Ignite before this but they are a lot like Good Riddance. Harcore political punk at it's best. Only one problem...6 bux..oh well.
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
Jesus Saves Hockey Teeth-Jesus Saves-Vinyl
I was expecting hockey...nope. All hard political punk rock. These guys and glas remind me a lot of SNFU. I dont know what else to say. I just can't wait to hear the full length CD from these Torontorians.
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
John K. & Painted Thin John K. Sampson/Painted Thin-Little Pictures/small acts of love and rebellion-CD
This disc is filled with love songs which are pretty good. Painted Thin plays upbeat pop punk with a teaspoon of emo and a tad of political. Very catchy by the way. Sampson, former bass player of Propagandhi, plays 6 songs of acoustic emo that is also very catchy and makes you feel good and warm inside. This disc is a nice break from the norm.
G-7 Welcoming Committee Box 3 905 Corydon Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3M 3S3 Canada
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
Addicted Layaway Plan-Addicted-CD
Al the drummer gave me this disc which makes them even more cool. He also slipped me 10 bux for a good review so here goes nothing. This is really good fast pop punk. It's even better because it's from Saskatchewan...nevermind. Addicted reminds me of a cross between Satanic Surfers and Wagbeard? Watch for a new CD from Layaway Plan.
Smallman Records-P.O. Box 352 Corydon Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3M 3V3 Canada
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
Product Four/John Q. Public Product Four / John Q. Public-S/T / Getting Nowhere Fast-Vinyl
Todd from Lucas was nice enough to give me this record. I hope that the Product Four pals ge back together for sure. Product Four only has 2 out of the 7 songs but are really good. Better than anything off their old tape. John Q. Public is alright but not really my cup of tea. They do a cover of th P4 song Mattway which is cool. Not many people bought this record but they should have.
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
Shoegazer Shoegazer-S/T-Vinyl
These California kids kick out tight, melodic pop punk. I wish there was more songs because this record is really good. It is 3 years old so hopefully they have something else out now. If you like pop punk this is a superb addition to your collection.
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]
Socially Retarded Whatever...-Socially Retarded-Vinyl
This is a great record that i got from Slow To Burn. They sound a lot like Canada's Guy Smiley or some may say Social Distortion. Whatever... seems to get great reviews almost everywhere I've read so far. This record is very melodic punk punk with a bit heavier vocals. They have a lot of records that i want to pick up... Um... Um... Whatever...
[Review By Jeff GreenPea]